Wooden gantries, Den Bosch, Alkmaar
Overhead gantry signs made out of wood
An experiment with sustainable, wooden traffic gantries
Jeonju station, Jeonju, South Korea
When in the early twentieth century the railway station in the South Korean city of Jeonju was developed, it was built in the traditional…
Pedestrian and Bicycle bridge across the A28, Harderwijk
Across the motorway, along the lake
Floriande Bridges, Haarlemmermeer
Floriande Bridges, Haarlemmermeer
Family of bridges for the residential area "Floriande"
Wildlife Crossings, Colorado USA
Wildlife crossings in the Rockies
In 2010 the state of Colorado, USA, started a competition to find a design for a system of wildlife crossings. The architectural studio ZJA…
Diamond Exchange, Capital C Amsterdam, Amsterdam
New life for a monument
Historically an exchange is the meeting place of markets and people, goods and ideas, and that is how the renewed Diamond Exchange meets…